In a transformative collaboration that began in July 2020, recording artist FG Cam, alongside Joshua IV and II Die IV Records embarked on a musical journey that would reshape the soundscape of their hometown, Cleveland, Ohio. Fueled by their appreciation for various genres, the duo crafted a unique sound, blending orchestral instruments, trap drums, and dark, gloomy tones that echo the spirit of the city they call home.

Over the span of 10 months the team dedicated themselves to the creative process, meticulously worked on production, marketing strategies, and visual concepts to ensure the highest quality for the release. July 10, 2021, FG Cam's debut project, "Heartless City Dreamer," was released to the public.

Building on the foundation of the first release, the team took what they learned and constructed a more refined creation - “Born To Finesse." Conceptually, the duo attacked this project as a motion picture, much more than just a collection of songs. ”Born To Finesse" invites the listener to step into the artists perspective and experience the world through their lens.

This undertaking extended beyond the confines of Cleveland, leading the team to the cultural hubs of New York and Washington D.C.These iconic cities served as sources of inspiration as they added a nuanced dimension to the project.

From "Heartless City Dreamer" to the narratives of "Born To Finesse," each release serves as a stitch in time that represent possibility. As FG Cam continues to redefine his sound, we invite the dreamers, those who see the world through possibility to experience it with us.